
Cub Blogs

Find out what the Newmachar Cubs have been getting up to!
Akelas first blog
Akelas First Blog

This week the Cubs took part in a mini pioneering project at home as part of the badge. They were tasked with building as tall a tower as they could to support an apple or orange out of 20 sheets of Newspaper and a role of tape. We ran this activity during our weekly session and shared photos & videos of each others attempts. The tallest tower was almost 2 meters tall! My personal effort only reached 66 cm.

Lockdown pot
Our Lockdown Pot

Mum had an idea that at the end of each week we would sit down and each write something we miss doing on a piece of paper and put them all in a pot.

Game Controller
The Extreme Gamer of Kingseat!

Ok for this blog to be called the extreme gamer of Kingseat it needs to have something to do with gaming so here goes nothing. My favourites include Fortnite and Minecraft.

Struan on Drums
Keeping The Beat

Hi, I'm Struan. My blog is about one of my favourite hobbies - playing the drums!

Cubs Lockdown 2020

My name is Logan, and I am a red sixer in cubs. I am nearly finished cubs.

Lockdown Cubs 2020

My name is Lucas. I have just joined cubs.

Gandalf the Great
Gandalf the Great

This is Gandalf, named after the Gandalf-the-Grey / White from the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. He is a great hunter.

Super Smash Bros
My Nintendo Switch

One of my favourite things to do on a rainy day is to play on my Nintendo switch. Before Lockdown my friend Ben would come over to play SSBU [Super Smash Bros Ultimate].

Chicken Eating
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

It starts when lockdown happened and our neighbours got a new puppy. We didn’t realise that they had and the chickens were fine just minding their own business. But then, one day, the puppy came outside his house and into our garden and terrorised our chickens and half of them went missing.