
Cub Blog | 19 May 2020

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Words: Anonymous Cub

It starts when lockdown happened and our neighbours got a new puppy. We didn’t realise that they had and the chickens were fine just minding their own business. But then, one day, the puppy came outside his house and into our garden and terrorised our chickens and half of them went missing. So, we had to go on a trip to try and find them. Our neighbours took their puppy away and gave it into trouble. Our other neighbours helped look for the chickens. Luckily, we found all the chickens again (although we had to chase one of them round the farmer’s field) and they went back to being their normal, happy selves. Until one day the puppy came back and terrorised them again. Three of them went missing this time and we found one of them trying to cross the road.

This is what happens if you leave the door open in our house!

This was a chicken minding it's own business.